It has been about three weeks since I last posted so let’d play catchup. Both of my fundraisers/crowdfunding projects ended up succeeding. Those were The Tomb of Naomi and Sounds In Space. I completed a new portfolio website in about a day with pretty much total hand coding. I also did some touch ups for
ERAS: Parrish Page 4
I went about a month without posting a new page which is pretty horrible since all of these pages are actually completed… I’ve been busy but I’ll talk about that elsewhere. While it isn’t my favorite string of a character calling out another character’s name, I like bits of this page. Overall I think I
ERAS: Parrish Page 3
5 months passed and the stock market crashed! Now Ted’s million faces aren’t worth anything except for a scare and Ted is getting angry since HE can’t make money – unless he makes monsters. Ted you have some issues but you can work on them if you get some more self esteem.
ERAS: Parrish Page 2
Page 2. Ted in the comics had the heroic face and features despite the fact that he’d constantly get into fights and had learned how to fight. So this Ted didn’t make out so well, he has a boxer’s face from growing up and continuing to live as a boxer. Luckily he has amazing skills
Wake Me Up Before You IndieGogo
Check out my IndieGogo for a space rap app game. And my Kickstarter.
Non Comic Updates
As I slowly transfer content from the old site, figure out what is worth moving over and generally hate the design that we currently have, I know I’d feel remiss if I weren’t to update the site posts. As usual the old version of the site is located here. For content that has been uploaded,
ERAS: Parrish Page 1
For Page 1 I wanted to get the horror poster idea across though I realized since that the inspiration I was looking for was more of the EERIE comic horror covers or part of some cultural meme that I couldn’t find any original examples of. The shadow is foreshadowing though (The Man Who Already WAS
ERAS: Parrish Cover
This is the beginning of the online posting of ERAS: Parrish, as unlocked via Kickstarter. ERAS is this re-imagining/reboot project where I am taking a lot of Bob Powell characters who entered the public domain and remaking them – changing origins – sort of a Watchmen approach. But this will be done through a series of
Life, And What Ensues
Originally my plan was to have the new site finished a week after that first post. Here I am almost a month later though with no progress and for that I say it is a bad situation caused by good fortune. I’ve become involved with several small projects that are eating my time so for
Site Under Reconstruction
In an attempt to recreate my portfolio on a whim and a desire to make a good use of the week off before (unfortunately) returning to work in a factory, I’ve started a new WordPress version of my site. The previous version is located here if you happen to need it while the new site