May and June are going to be some Mister Miracle style tricks to survive.
Right now I am working on a freelance web gig to finish this week. The week after I hope to start at least one more! These jobs will go to pay for Heroes Con where I’ll be displaying under Nerdcenaries and Friends.
In addition I will have two Kickstarters to hopefully print, staple and mail though each day makes that seem a little less likely. Hooray for panic and non responsive collaborators!
And Sounds In Space should be wrapping up to go out next month which means I need to put on my rap hat. For rapping.
I also hope to finish Prison Spaceship so that my collaborator on that can get his art done so we can present that.
And I am still writing weekly pieces for Nerdy With Children. Check out my two pieces on Free Comic Book Day! The Preview and the Review!
And this is also the last week of the very beneficial Gender Through Comic Books class!
And in the meantime, the last page of ERAS Parrish went up.
At least I have you, Justice League Unlimited on Netflix Instant! (And Bejeweled 3).