Finishing Up An App
Sounds In Space is wrapping up the design phase but convention season has kept everyone busy.
Doing Web Design
I picked up two more sites as I work on the SuperMOOC site which is done until San Diego Comic Con is completed. The wedding site is just starting as is a site that I can’t talk about because of an NDA.
Finishing Up Kickstarters
I almost have all of the material for these, I am just waiting on a few final pieces and then everything will go to print at once.
Designing A Board Game
A few weeks back I did a playtest of the game, got feedback and if I find the time, I’d be working on this but I am keeping busy.
Writing Comic Scripts
Coming along, picking up more.
Writing Articles
Nerdcenaries has fallen to the wayside since it doesn’t pay. So it goes. Nerdy With Children is getting at least weekly updates.
Looking For A Job
Getting opportunities.
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